BNN Stats: Starting Pitching Rookie Leaders
Monday, August 1st , 2022
So, which rookie starting pitchers are leading the ABA College in shutouts?
Steve Abbott, TTU, 0 Kinsey Addington, WF, 0 Bob Ahner, VT, 0 Nick Alcorn, MISS, 0 Justin Allen, LSU, 0
BNN Stats: Single-Season Records
Monday, July 25th , 2022
Who holds the single season record in the ABA College for fielding independent pitching (FIP)?
Andy Romero, TU, 1.406, 2011 Corbett Wright, TCU, 1.447, 2010 Jason Cox, -, 1.451, 2019 Scott Cooper, -, 1.577, 2014 Jason Cox, -, 1.641, 2020
BNN Stats: Single-Season Records
Monday, July 18th , 2022
Who holds the single season record in the ABA College for K/BB?
Kyle Smith, GEO, 13.000, 2010 Scott Cooper, -, 11.833, 2014 David Freeman, -, 11.333, 2014 Jonathan Gonzales, AUB, 11.333, 2008 Tom Henwood, GEO, 10.375, 2011