a - J. Bakos pinch hit for R. Brewer in the 7th
b - C. Lynch pinch hit for T. Cook in the 7th
c - M. Gonzalez substituted for C. Lynch in the 7th
d - D. Molchan pinch hit for B. Felkins in the 8th
e - E. Morris pinch hit for L. Casanova in the 8th
f - D. Hall pinch hit for K. Garber in the 8th
g - B. Mercer substituted for D. Molchan in the 8th
h - B. Gobel substituted for E. Morris in the 8th
i - M. Gohlke pinch hit for J. Bakos in the 9th
j - J. Zappe pinch hit for B. Mercer in the 9th
K. Garber
(1, 6th Inning off C. Davies, 1 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
D. Molchan
J. Kober
L. Casanova
K. Garber
C. Bates
A. Axelson
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Zappe
L. Casanova
T. Gonzalez
C. Bates
A. Axelson
Hit by Pitch:
R. Brewer
Team LOB:
A. Axelson
Double Plays:
2 (Axelson-Brewer-Felkins, Gonzalez-Brewer-Felkins)
OF assists:
1 (Cook(Couillard at home))
a - M. Brown pinch hit for R. Soto in the 6th
b - S. Jones substituted for M. Brown in the 7th
c - C. Roman pinch hit for J. Bernard in the 7th
A. Torres
(6, 1st Inning off O. Zuniga, 0 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
Z. Amos
2 (3, 2nd Inning off O. Zuniga, 1 on, 1 out; 4th Inning off O. Zuniga, 0 on, 2 outs)
D. Pinto
(4, 6th Inning off D. Wolf, 2 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
M. Horstman
A. Torres
D. Pinto
P. Couillard
J. Bernard
C. Roman
J. Olejniczak
Z. Amos
I. Valenzuela
2-out RBI:
D. Pinto
J. Olejniczak
Z. Amos
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
P. Couillard
S. Jones
J. Olejniczak
M. Brown
Team LOB: