League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Name Wins
Kory Stockwell 1415 (.594)
Andy Pucciarelli 1151 (.519)
Jermaine Allen 1098 (.523)
Mike Lehrer 1055 (.471)
Brandon Harper 926 (.509)
Keith Morrow 908 (.499)
Rafael Gaytan 884 (.526)
Andy Sherman 847 (.504)
Zack Glomski 842 (.501)
Chris Smith 740 (.529)
Nick Graham 718 (.466)
Andrew Draper 705 (.479)
Matt Kalson 691 (.494)
Bryan Lee 685 (.543)
Sean O'Leary 649 (.513)
Brian Wenk 633 (.502)
Brett Parkin 626 (.559)
Roberto Enriquez 555 (.496)
Justin Thiede 554 (.565)
Hermenegildo Fernando 540 (.550)
Juan Gonzales 526 (.537)
Hua Pian 521 (.620)
Robby Carson 509 (.606)
Bob Platter 496 (.354)
Chris Clarke 458 (.610)
Maurice Gage 450 (.459)
Josiah Stewart 432 (.513)
Ron Whitlow 424 (.505)
Bill Murtha 412 (.490)
Ivan Cabrera 354 (.506)
Mitchell Young 352 (.654)
Jayden Edwards 349 (.277)
Armando Cisneros 344 (.491)
Mike Hyde 343 (.490)
Mike Alexander 340 (.607)
Isaias Stam 316 (.376)
Jules Chechi 315 (.450)
Brad McBride 313 (.559)
Mike Hackbarth 307 (.439)
Chad Baker 279 (.498)
Gil Gomez 273 (.488)
Todd Herrera 265 (.473)
Devon Randolph 257 (.612)
Elias Nunez 255 (.607)
George Barcellos 229 (.545)
Izzy Montano 228 (.543)
Willie Padilla 221 (.526)
Bill Fournet 220 (.524)
Michael Kelleher 218 (.519)
Kyle Kinkead 213 (.507)
Name WIN%
William Gregg .779 (109-31)
Mitchell Young .654 (352-186)
Jesse Steffen .643 (90-50)
Kaden Edwards .643 (90-50)
Hua Pian .620 (521-319)
George Blocher .614 (86-54)
Devon Randolph .612 (257-163)
Chris Clarke .610 (458-293)
Mike Alexander .607 (340-220)
Elias Nunez .607 (255-165)
Robby Carson .606 (509-331)
Kory Stockwell .594 (1415-966)
Ben Whitley .589 (165-115)
Matt Valliere .583 (14-10)
Josh Dix .579 (81-59)
Emmanuel Montano .571 (80-60)
Justin Thiede .565 (554-426)
Brett Parkin .559 (626-494)
Brad McBride .559 (313-247)
Antonio Amaya .557 (78-62)
Hermenegildo Fernando .550 (540-441)
George Barcellos .545 (229-191)
Bryan Lee .543 (685-576)
Izzy Montano .543 (228-192)
Juan Gonzales .537 (526-454)
Chris Smith .529 (740-660)
Rafael Gaytan .526 (884-796)
Willie Padilla .526 (221-199)
John McNair .525 (147-133)
Oscar Encinas .524 (44-40)
Bill Fournet .524 (220-200)
Jermaine Allen .523 (1098-1003)
Andy Pucciarelli .519 (1151-1066)
Michael Kelleher .519 (218-202)
Sean O'Leary .513 (649-615)
Josiah Stewart .513 (432-410)
Tim Mays .511 (72-69)
Brandon Harper .509 (926-895)
Kyle Kinkead .507 (213-207)
Ivan Cabrera .506 (354-346)
Ron Whitlow .505 (424-416)
Andy Sherman .504 (847-833)
Brian Wenk .502 (633-627)
Ray Johnson .502 (211-209)
Zack Glomski .501 (842-839)
Adam Simons .501 (211-210)
Carlos Belteton .500 (210-210)
Keith Morrow .499 (908-913)
Chad Baker .498 (279-281)
Efrain Luna .496 (139-141)
Name Losses
Mike Lehrer 1185 (.471)
Andy Pucciarelli 1066 (.519)
Jermaine Allen 1003 (.523)
Kory Stockwell 966 (.594)
Keith Morrow 913 (.499)
Jayden Edwards 911 (.277)
Bob Platter 904 (.354)
Brandon Harper 895 (.509)
Zack Glomski 839 (.501)
Andy Sherman 833 (.504)
Nick Graham 823 (.466)
Rafael Gaytan 796 (.526)
Andrew Draper 767 (.479)
Matt Kalson 709 (.494)
Chris Smith 660 (.529)
Brian Wenk 627 (.502)
Sean O'Leary 615 (.513)
Bryan Lee 576 (.543)
Roberto Enriquez 565 (.496)
Maurice Gage 530 (.459)
Isaias Stam 524 (.376)
Brett Parkin 494 (.559)
Juan Gonzales 454 (.537)
Hermenegildo Fernando 441 (.550)
Bill Murtha 428 (.490)
Justin Thiede 426 (.565)
Ron Whitlow 416 (.505)
Josiah Stewart 410 (.513)
Mike Hackbarth 393 (.439)
Jules Chechi 385 (.450)
Mike Hyde 357 (.490)
Armando Cisneros 356 (.491)
Ivan Cabrera 346 (.506)
Robby Carson 331 (.606)
Hua Pian 319 (.620)
Todd Herrera 295 (.473)
Chris Clarke 293 (.610)
Gil Gomez 287 (.488)
Chad Baker 281 (.498)
Dane Houser 279 (.336)
Leo Medina 273 (.350)
Dave York 261 (.379)
Jorge Gallegos 254 (.395)
Gary Wimpee 252 (.400)
Brad McBride 247 (.559)
Mike Alexander 220 (.607)
Humberto Lopez 217 (.483)
Adam Simons 210 (.501)
Carlos Belteton 210 (.500)
Ray Johnson 209 (.502)
Name W > .500
Kory Stockwell 449 (1415-966)
Hua Pian 202 (521-319)
Robby Carson 178 (509-331)
Mitchell Young 166 (352-186)
Chris Clarke 165 (458-293)
Brett Parkin 132 (626-494)
Justin Thiede 128 (554-426)
Mike Alexander 120 (340-220)
Bryan Lee 109 (685-576)
Hermenegildo Fernando 99 (540-441)
Jermaine Allen 95 (1098-1003)
Devon Randolph 94 (257-163)
Elias Nunez 90 (255-165)
Rafael Gaytan 88 (884-796)
Andy Pucciarelli 85 (1151-1066)
Chris Smith 80 (740-660)
William Gregg 78 (109-31)
Juan Gonzales 72 (526-454)
Brad McBride 66 (313-247)
Ben Whitley 50 (165-115)
Jesse Steffen 40 (90-50)
Kaden Edwards 40 (90-50)
George Barcellos 38 (229-191)
Izzy Montano 36 (228-192)
Sean O'Leary 34 (649-615)
George Blocher 32 (86-54)
Brandon Harper 31 (926-895)
Josh Dix 22 (81-59)
Josiah Stewart 22 (432-410)
Willie Padilla 22 (221-199)
Emmanuel Montano 20 (80-60)
Bill Fournet 20 (220-200)
Michael Kelleher 16 (218-202)
Antonio Amaya 16 (78-62)
Andy Sherman 14 (847-833)
John McNair 14 (147-133)
Ivan Cabrera 8 (354-346)
Ron Whitlow 8 (424-416)
Kyle Kinkead 6 (213-207)
Brian Wenk 6 (633-627)
Matt Valliere 4 (14-10)
Oscar Encinas 4 (44-40)
Tim Mays 3 (72-69)
Zack Glomski 3 (842-839)
Ray Johnson 2 (211-209)
Adam Simons 1 (211-210)
Carlos Belteton 0 (210-210)
Chad Baker -2 (279-281)
Josh Finnerty -2 (139-141)
Efrain Luna -2 (139-141)
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