a - J. Jacobs pinch hit for C. Herrera in the 5th
b - K. Cremo inserted as DH in the 5th
c - G. Cheatham substituted for R. Canton in the 5th
d - R. Cloutier pinch hit for J. Comey in the 6th
e - J. Beeson pinch hit for C. Davies in the 6th
f - O. Damon pinch hit for D. Rodriquez in the 6th
g - P. Anderson pinch hit for K. Roberts in the 6th
h - A. Cook pinch hit for W. Kirkham in the 7th
i - B. King substituted for A. Cook in the 7th
j - C. Vanderberg pinch hit for J. Jacobs in the 9th
k - J. Seagle inserted as DH in the 9th
G. Cheatham
(1, 6th Inning off M. Pfluger, 1 on, 2 outs)
P. Anderson
(2, 6th Inning off M. Pfluger, 1 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
C. Vanderberg
(1, 9th Inning off R. Beltran, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Jacobs
C. Vanderberg
R. Ordonez
W. Kirkham
P. Anderson
G. Cheatham
2-out RBI:
J. Jacobs
P. Anderson
G. Cheatham
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
R. Ordonez
D. Rodriquez
Sac Fly:
T. Jordan
Team LOB:
W. Kirkham
R. Ordonez
Double Plays:
2 (Roberts-Ordonez-Herrera, Ordonez-Beeson-Vanderberg)
a - P. Rangel substituted for J. McCargar in the 5th
b - J. Capra substituted for M. Rosas in the 5th
c - H. Long substituted for D. Pierce in the 6th
d - B. Roe substituted for C. Barreto in the 6th
e - A. Couch substituted for E. Langley in the 6th
f - C. Cawley inserted as DH in the 6th
g - J. Garcia substituted for B. Oliver in the 7th
h - B. Bejarano pinch hit for A. Tyndall in the 7th
i - J. Thompson pinch hit for C. Goldsmith in the 8th
j - B. Stein pinch hit for A. Couch in the 9th
Total Bases:
E. Silva
J. McCargar
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
D. Pierce
H. Long
M. Rosas
B. Roe
Hit by Pitch:
J. Thompson
Team LOB:
E. Silva
2 (7)
B. Oliver
Double Plays:
1 (Couch-Capra)