a - G. Cruzgonzalez pinch hit for A. Larson in the 7th
b - K. Jones substituted for G. Cruzgonzalez in the 7th
c - N. Yuck pinch hit for J. Flowers in the 8th
d - J. Lupton pinch hit for S. Banks in the 8th
e - B. Scheffel substituted for N. Yuck in the 8th
f - J. Wardlaw pinch hit for K. Jones in the 10th
g - D. Cantimori inserted as DH in the 10th
h - J. Morrison pinch ran for J. Wardlaw in the 10th
i - B. Hurt substituted for J. Morrison in the 10th
Home Runs:
G. Cruzgonzalez
(4, 7th Inning off T. Huckaby, 0 on, 2 outs)
J. Lupton
(13, 10th Inning off T. Matsumoto, 2 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
P. Patlan
G. Cruzgonzalez
J. Flowers
B. Scheffel
J. Lupton
2-out RBI:
G. Cruzgonzalez
J. Lupton
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
S. Banks
Team LOB:
a - J. Rash pinch hit for D. Friedrich in the 8th
b - J. Gillespie pinch hit for G. Buckner in the 8th
c - A. Joiner pinch hit for E. Acosta in the 9th
d - C. Roth pinch hit for J. Allery in the 9th
e - T. Hetzel pinch hit for E. Vacca in the 9th
f - J. Mendoza substituted for A. Joiner in the 10th
g - J. Howard substituted for C. Roth in the 10th
h - P. McBreen pinch hit for N. Schultz in the 10th
E. Acosta
(3, 4th Inning off M. Green, 0 on, 1 out)
J. Cole
(3, 6th Inning off M. Green, 2 on, 2 outs)
A. Joiner
(8, 9th Inning off J. Green, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
D. Friedrich
P. McBreen
G. Buckner
E. Acosta
A. Joiner
J. Cole
R. Cooper
2-out RBI:
J. Cole
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
D. Walker
N. Schultz
J. Cole
R. Cooper
Sac Bunt:
D. Walker
Hit by Pitch:
N. Schultz
Team LOB: